Written by Joe-Joe, The Original B.Boy, Rock Steady Crew 1977

Founded in 1977, the crew's original name was the "Untouchable Four B.Boys". It consisted of four members, Joe-Joe, Easy-Mike, Jimmy-Dee, and P.Body 170th. However, the demands of recruits enabled them to reconsider and look past the four-member title of restricted membership. As a result, a meeting was held in Echo Place, Bronx, NY, at the residence of Jamie White [AKA Jimmy-Dee]. It was there that the ROCK STEADY name was born despite the initial idea of creating an extra crew to extend the "Untouchable Four B.Boys".

It was decided that the Rock Steady Crew would serve one purpose. To keep the steady flow on the dance floor.

In defining the "Rock Steady Crew" title: The word "ROCK" symbolized the concrete for the bumps and bruises sustained while performing. Mats and cardboard were unheard of back then. The word "STEADY" constituted the love and continuation of the art of B.Boying. In addition, the word "CREW" contained special meaning because it represented the teamwork and efforts that were put forth in order to empower those individual skills.

Rock Steady Crew became a dominating force in the B.Boy community through the teachings and leadership skills that were implemented by Joe-Joe. The various skills were basic footwork, the backspin, the swipe, the bridge and many other moves. These skills eventually evolved through out time. For instance. Crazy Legs’ Continuous back spin.

The original members of Rock Steady Crew were Joe-Joe, Easy Mike, Jimmy-Dee, P-Body 170th, Jimmy Lee, Chrome, Boo-Ble, Pauly, Lime-5, Rubberband, L-Mack, Doctor Ace, Slick Rick, Popeye, Trace 2, Trac 2, Rim 180th, Tito 183rd, Me 2, Green Eye Joe, Braces, C.N., Les, Angel Rock, Bon 5, Lenny Len and Crazy Legs.

Different turns of events started to then take place. For instance, Jimmy-Dee and Joe-Joe were approached by little Richie Colón [Crazy Legs] asking for the expansion of a Manhattan chapter of the crew. After permission was granted, the chapter was supervised into the Lincoln Center battle against the Dynamic Rockers from Queens, NY, with the participation of Joe-Joe and Jimmy-Dee [We toasted them!]. The Bronx chapter gradually diminished due to each individual member's circumstances. For instance, Jimmy-Dee disappeared off the face of the earth, others relocated, others passed away and Joe-Joe was sent to mandatory job corps for two years. Within that length of time, the Manhattan chapter flourished under Crazy Legs' direction and supervision. Rock Steady Crew then became an international B.Boy sensation. Who would have thought what little Richie Colon would achieve through so much potential and self-determination?

The B.Boy Original
Rock Steady Crew '77

5th Element